La Montaña de 7 Colores (también llamada Vinincunca) es uno de los nuevos atractivos del Perú, ubicada al sur de Cusco a una altura de 5200 metros sobre el nivel del mar (msnm).
Es una hermosa montaña teñida de varios matices como resultado de la compleja combinación de minerales. Es uno de los lugares más visitados de Cusco-Perú.
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We have you covered! We will email you as items in your order ship, or if there are updates on the status of your order. Can’t find the email?Click here to check the status of your order.
We have you covered! We will email you as items in your order ship, or if there are updates on the status of your order. Can’t find the email?Click here to check the status of your order.
We have you covered! We will email you as items in your order ship, or if there are updates on the status of your order. Can’t find the email?Click here to check the status of your order.
We have you covered! We will email you as items in your order ship, or if there are updates on the status of your order. Can’t find the email?Click here to check the status of your order.
+51 981 307 060